Hope Ideas

Time to Act

A campaign on World Environment Day that urged immediate action for the planet


We all know the planet is under attack. We read about it in the news, we hear about it on our televisions, we’re taught about it in our schools. We’re constantly being told that our actions are leading to widespread environmental degradation, deforestation, and climate change. And yet, protecting the environment remains a low priority for most of us, relegated to the background while we deal with other “immediate” concerns.

On this World Environment Day, we at Star knew that we must challenge this sense of apathy. So we launched the #TimeToAct campaign, comprising four taut, hard-hitting, and informative films on the adverse effects of environmental destruction. Our focus was clear. We knew we needed to communicate that when it comes to the health of our planet, we do not have the luxury of waiting—we have to take steps now.

In an age of rhetoric and information overload, it’s easy to lose sight of what is really at stake. So we decided to pick up four crucial statistics that clearly signify the alarming pace and extent of environmental harm being caused by human activity. Next, we had to think about how we would instantly capture the interest of our audience. We realised the best way to do that was an animated approach that vividly communicated our concepts.

For two of the films–focused on the startling increase in carbon dioxide levels, and deforestation—we played with the concept of a micro level shot that eventually zooms out to paint a worrying picture of the state of our planet. For the other two films—on rising sea levels and rapidly deteriorating forest cover—we decided to use the powerful and chilling visual representation of a clock’s hands cutting down trees and polar ice caps.

The soundtrack was as important an element as the visuals. We chose music that created a sense of mounting tension and communicated the ominous nature of what we’re dealing with. We also incorporated our central theme of “time” by overlaying the music with the loud hypnotic ticking of a clock. Every second counts when it comes to what we can do to save the environment and these films convey that urgency crisply and memorably.

The films went to win the coveted Gold metal at Promax Asia.

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