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Launch event of Asianet’s new serials – Chempaneer Poovu & Etho Janma Kalpanayil

Chempaneer Poovu and Etho Janma Kalpanayil will be launched on 29th January, 2024 on Asianet.

A Heart-warming Family Entertainer Unfolds with Laughter and Love in Star Maa's "Eto Vellipoindi Manasu"

Eto Vellipondi Manasu airs on January 22, 2024, every Monday to Saturday at 6 PM on Star Maa.

Asianet Unveils Heart-warming New Serial - "Chempaneer Poovu"

"Chempaneer Poovu" is set to premiere on January 29th, 2024, and will be aired every Monday to Sunday at 7 PM on Asianet.

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