We believe that everyone everywhere deserves the best. We have a responsibility to do the right thing and actively make life better for our colleagues, communities and country – for as many people as possible.
We strive to create an environment where every person can express themselves and we take active steps to make our LGBT+ employees feel valued, welcomed and equal at the workplace.
Our child day care facilities enable working parents and their children to be close to each other.
This Diwali, we celebrated the triumph of light over darkness by offering the gift of sight to those who need it the most.
An employee’s well-being is at the core of our values at Star; our Emotional Wellness Program helps you share your problems and ask for solutions
Our Annual Leave Policy allows employees to take as many number of days of paid leave at a time as they need to recharge and rejuvenate.
On 29th August 2017, as Mumbai submerged under the flood, Star’s HQ became a refuge for 800 employees.
We take great pride in building a safe, welcoming environment for our employees. We firmly believe that family comes first.
Every day, we do our best to create stories that inspire the change we want to see in the world. Every so often we come across a story – like Mrs. Shah’s – which inspires us.
We are constantly changing, challenging and doing totally new things. New formats, cutting-edge technology, with the highest quality standards – one of our key principles is to challenge status quo.
We have an incredible connection with our people. We are always working to understand their loves, their dreams and how we can help them do and be more.
Imagination is the heart of everything we do. We create new possibilities and open up new ideas. We pride ourselves on being a hothouse of creativity.