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‘You can’t build a sport without putting it on TV – we don’t have to be a one-sport nation’: Uday Shankar

Uday Shankar is CEO of Star TV India, which broadcast and backed the Pro-Kabaddi League. Kabaddi surprised India, garnered 2.5 times more viewers in its first week than the FIFA World Cup and became the most-watched Indian live sports event after IPL. He discusses India’s prospects as a sporting nation, the role of TV as a social catalyst in creating sports culture and lessons from the Kabaddi League.

News Flash: Uday Shankar elected IBF President

On being appointed IBF President, Shankar said, “I am privileged to be trusted by the members of IBF to lead the industry body at a critical juncture when the industry needs to leap to the next level by working collaboratively with the Government and other stake holders”.

TV.NXT 2014: "One-size-fits-all can't be the mantra going forward."

Star COO Sanjay Gupta said, "The number of hours spent on watching TV has not grown in the last five years. Who is responsible for this? We are! If we do not address the diversity, and do not invest behind the medium now, we will be in the same position even 10 years from now."

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