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Movie premieres on TV: How are brands cashing in?

Hemal Zaveri, EVP, Star Gold and Movies OK said, “With Ajay Devgan and Salman Khan we have a long term deals and therefore we have an actual window on what kind of movies that they are doing and Bang Bang is from our own sister concern. But with most of the titles we have a fair degree of window on what the movie is all about. But here on forth it is clearly going towards buying movies after the release as opposed to pre-release.”

Channel V to launch ‘Gumrah’ Season 4

Ajit Thakur, EVP and Business Head, Channel V, said, “The show is about the youth, their tryst with crime and the circumstances which led to the incident, rather than sensationalizing the crime or the criminal himself. Over the years, the show has gained popularity with its exceptional content and execution and we are upping the ante this time around, hoping to really get the message across.”

From underground to mainstream

The earthy, furiously hard sport is now dressed up in a dinner jacket and Wayfarers and beamed out live on prime-time television thanks to the Pro Kabaddi League.

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