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Star India’s Uday Shankar's Paley parley with Bobby Ghosh

Star India CEO, Uday Shankar said,  “We address whatever is not right in the country, whatever needs to change for people in the country. We at Star have never thought of going and telling people what they should be doing next."

Star Gold announces four back-to-back movie premieres this June

Announcing the initiative, Hemal Jhaveri, Executive Vice President, Star Gold said “In today’s scenario, it has become essential for every channel to experiment with their programming and offer something distinct in terms of content. From our movie promos to content packaging, we have always attempted to offer a unique experience to our viewers and ‘4 shanivaar, premiere 4’ is another attempt to bring alive this philosophy.”

'India's women are key drivers of social change through TV'

Uday Shankar, Star India CEO said," Star India had targeted women initially as the driver characters for change are women. They are the biggest ambassadors of change and proselytizers in their own context."

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