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This Koffee will be served at 11 pm

Rasika Tyagi, Programming head – Star India English channels revealed : “The girls have been very naughty! Staying within the IBF guidelines, we didn't want to air the episode before 11 pm. The alternative would have been to edit out a lot of the conversation, which we chose not to do. The episode is worth staying up late for.”

A shift of emphasis

Nikhil Madhok, Head - Marketing, Star Plus said, “In television, there is no immediate sale value. What you are really trying to do with on-ground activation is to establish a close personal encounter of the consumer with the brand or the show message. Here, the desire is that the message should stay with the consumer which in turn will help him/her tune into your channel and the show."

‘Kyunki… ’ changed people’s viewing habits substantially: Kevin Vaz

Business head, Star English channels - Kevin Vaz gives Indian Television a lowdown on the programming – past, present and future – of Star World and its more recent sister channels, Star World Premiere and FX

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